Christmas is coming and we thought this would be a great time to finally start our blog! Plus it'll serve as our first family Christmas card!
We are having a blast being married (going on 5 months!) and we love living in Provo. Our little apartment has become our cozy home and we don't like thinking that we will be leaving it in a few months. Ben is busy busy finshing up school with all his projects, papers, and tests. But he's a genius and works really hard so he will do well like always. He will graduate in April with a degree in Economics. I finished up my student teaching at Timpview High School and and am loving the freedom. It was a great experience and I learned a lot...probably knowing that I really did go into the right field is the best news coming out of it:) I graduated from Utah State University with a degree in Mathematics and Statistics on the 15th which I was more than ready for. I had a great time at USU but am ready to be the "real" teacher:)

The latest greatest news is that Ben is signing on with a great consulting firm called Monitor Group. They flew us out to Boston this week for "sell week"...even though we were already sold:) We had a great weekend learning more about the company and seeing the sites in this cool town.

Next September we will be moving to Monitor's office in San Francisco!! We are really excited about it. We've heard nothing but great things about San Fran and what a fun place it will be to live. While Ben works, I hope to find a job teaching math at a good high school. We will probably be there for a year to a year and a half, then hopefully transfer to their Johannesburg office for a while, where Ben will feel right at home (having served his mission just northeast in Mozambique). Our plans from there are up in the air, but Ben would like to get into Harvard for his MBA so we might be back to Boston in a few years, but for now--we'll just take one city at a time:)
We love you all and wish you a very Merry Christmas!
The Garrisons