1. I was
born in Ogden, lived in Kaysville for 3 years, lived in Ogden for 6 years, moved to the Ogden Valley and have been there ever since!
2. I am the
oldest of 5 kids. 3 little sisters, one brother.
3. Some
childhood memories & facts: My first word was "shoe," when my parents tried to get me to say "I love Mommy" I would say slowly, "I......love.....PIZZA!" I loved playing Barbies and would play for hours with Raquel, I pretended to be a Power Ranger while jumping on the trampoline, I had lots of pet rabbits, I got 2 black eyes, and I vividly remember hearing Santa Clause and the bells on his sleigh and ran to bed crying in fear that I wouldn't get any presents.
4. I've never had
braces, still have my wisdom teeth, tonsils, and appendix. I don't have glasses or contacts. And I've never broken a bone.
5. I love watching
FRIENDS. Seriously.
6. My favorite color is hot
7. I have a really really good
memory. I remember everything.
8. I love
9. I was a class officer in
Jr. High and on the yearbook staff.
10. I want a
baby grand piano someday. And I want one that's wood. Not black.
11. I love
concerts. I've been to Rascal Flatts 4x, Keith Urban 2x, Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson, and Josh Groban.
12. I love cereal, cheesecake, string cheese, eggnog, Pizza, Reeses, and fondue.
13. I have a weird fetish with
Elvis Presley. I have books about him, a huge poster of him, a life-size cut out, and all his music. And lots of fun things my friends have given me as gifts:)
14. I always remember my
15. I'm
left-brained: I love math and statistics and majored in it. And I'm
right-brained: I love drawing, painting, and taking pictures.
16. I've ridden a camel twice, an elephant twice, had snakes wrapped around me, and swam with dolphins and stingrays.
17. My mom was my
piano teacher and taught me starting at age 7.
18. I have a really good sense of smell and direction. If it weren't for me--Ben would be lost roaming somewhere.
19. I took 5 AP
classes. American History, Calculus, English, Art History, and Art.
20. I was on the
swim team, and the water polo team.
21. I want to go skydiving so bad.
22. I think I have the coolest
wedding ring in the world.
23. I had my first
kiss in 7th grade.
24. Ben and I kissed on our
first date. And that was when I knew I wanted to marry him:)
25. I used to go skinny dipping all the time with my friend Mo, and we would never pee in the outhouse at girls camp.
26. I don't like
little dogs or big cats.
27. I've been to 15 different
countries: Mexico, Morocco, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Singapore, and India.
28. I love
Disney movies. Always have. Aladdin, The Lion King, Mulan, Emperor's New Groove, Cars and Finding Nemo are my favorite.
29. It takes me a really long time to get ready for
bed. Usually I just sit in there and talk to Ben while he gets ready and then force myself to brush my teeth and stuff to go to bed. Don't know why.
30. I want 4-6
kids. And I have all my names picked out. I actually have too many and have no idea how I'm going to narrow it down. We might just have to have 9 kids:)
31. I'm a True Aggie, and a True
BLUE Aggie.
32. I didn't see Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, The Patriot, Braveheart, or Gladiator till I got married.
33. My favorite ice cream is
Cookies & Cream. I rarely get anything else. And when I have it at home, I have to put Hershey's chocolate syrup on it and some milk...cause it's more like a shake and I love the little crystals the milk and ice cream make!
34. I love the
*NSYNC Christmas CD! I have a countdown till I can start blasting it. It's one of my favorite things about the season.
35. One of mine and Ben's new favorite card games is
Rook. My grandparents taught us in Newport and we played it every single day until he started work this week.
36. I love the way Ben
smells. He doesn't have BO and his sweat actually smells good to me.
Texting is a way of life for my family. My mom and I text everyday. My dad and my Grandma do too!
38. I should call Ben '
Gaston.' (from Beauty & the Beast) .... "And every last inch of him's covered in HAIR!" And I love it.
39. Ben and I had our first
date on January 6th, called the temple on May 10th, got officially engaged on May 27th, got married on July 26th.
40. I love playing all
sports, but my favorite sport is volleyball. I love water skiing, snow skiing, and ultimate frisbee.
41. I do
Jane Fonda. I know right. I have her New Ultimate Workout VHS and it is so good. Ben always made fun of me when I'd say the abs and legs are so hard. So I made him do it with me and he was sore for 3 days.
42. My favorite part of opening a new carton of ice cream is scraping off the lid!
43. I always
spill on myself. ALWAYS. No matter what. No matter WHAT!
44. When it comes to eating, I can be pretty
particular. I love to save the best for last so I eat the worst part first! For example, I eat crust first on pizza and sandwiches:)
45. I love my
family so so so much. And all my new Garrison family!
46. Ben and I still have all 8 of our
47. I don't like "unnecessary repetitive noises..." (e.g. chewing with the mouth open, picking things, clicking things, tapping fingernails, etc).
48. I used to
win at everything. (Probably used to being the oldest)......UNTIL I met Ben. Now I lose at everything and it drives me crazy.
49. I don't drink pop. I only like
Coke when I'm in foreign countries.
50. Ben and I are probably going to live somewhere
foreign within the next year, like South Africa or Brazil. For real.
So I bet you know me a little better! :) I tag anyone who took the time to read this long thing!