Top 10 Happenings this year:
{in order of occurrence}
1. Said goodbye to Africa and moved home to California. {see here}
2. Announced we were with child to our families and then to the world here. Here are some videos we never posted of when we broke the news to the family:
First one is when we told Ben's family. We were in the hospital with his Grandma who had just broken her hip and we set the camera up for a family picture, only I had put it on video instead and Ben said, "On the count of three everyone say, "Camille's pregnant!" I love the reaction, Jaclyn and Grandma were the only ones who got it, notice Lisa and Jon just sit and continue smiling at the camera. Haha, I love it!
Then when we told my family, Ben said the family prayer and mentioned it in the end, you can't hear him very well so turn it up. It was awesome.
3. Found out it was a female growing in my utero here. Also, I documented each week of my pregnancy here.
4. Claire was born on July 23, 2010! Remember all that went down here.
5. We took her to Utah to meet all the family here.
6. Blessed Claire at home with our families here.
7. Started Tippy Toppers {hand-crocheted hats} which is doing really well!
8. My little sister got engaged! See her blog and story here.
9. Found a new job opportunity and decided we are moving to Utah in February!
10. First plane ride for Claire to Arizona to meet the Garrisons! {See below}
Here is our trip to Arizona.
It was a really fun trip. We loved seeing that side of the family and having them meet Claire.
Claire's first plane ride:
2nd leg on the way back, not doing so great. Poor thing.

{taken with iPhone}
Claire with Grandpa T:

Aunt Jaclyn!

Great-uncle John:

She loved John more than anything. She would smile and laugh anytime he was around and holding her. It was so cute.
Aunt Jaclyn and Uncle Jon:

The whole gang {we missed you Sitty, Janet, Jim, Gina, Wesley, Alyssa, and Sheridan!}:

Great-Grandad Garrison:

We had a great time. Claire was such a happy baby. She got her first major cold a couple of days ago which hasn't been fun at all. But she's a tough girl and is being a trooper. Thanks everyone for making it so fun and being so great with Claire! We love you guys.
What a great year! You guys have been busy! I am sure 2011 will be even better! How fun that you guys are moving back! I bet you just can't wait! Congrats to Ben on getting a new job! That is awesome!
Those videos of you telling your families made me cry so hard! I'm seriously bawling. So sweet. You are the cutest thing ever and I'm not kidding when I say that we need to get together ASAP before you move. I miss you.
I love how you told your family! that is so cute, we seriously almost told my family with the picture, the way you told his family. too funny! but then we didn't... congrats on moving back to utah! so exciting for you guys
so i checked out your sisters blog that you had a link to and i came across a little girl named esther. i thought to myself, she looks very familiar. turns out your sisters soon-to-be husband is the brother of a guy named mike larson that lives out here in milwaukee and is in our ward and attends the same medical school as my husband. he is a year behind my husband. at least i think. he might be doing a different degree of medical school. but that is beside the point. i just thought it was so weird. what a small world. and i think that your parents are really good friends with my husbands parents. brad and ann rabe. they usually have a christmas party every year. i think i'm right. ask them. anyway, you do have a darling little girl. her face....there is something about that little face.
Those videos are priceless. So fun!!! You guys had a fun fun year!
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