Here we come! This summer we're going to Southeast Asia! We're leaving May 12th and not coming back till the end of June. Ben is involved with a non-profit called Rising Star and they're doing some work this summer in Chennai India for some leper colonies there. They're building a hotel where the kids that are cured from leprosy can come and work and make it self-sustaining for their community. It's awesome! They'll learn English and the skills necessary to be integrated back into society. We're excited to help there for a couple of weeks! Since we were going to be helping there--we decided to make a trip out of it! (The red dots are where we're going).

Some of our main destinations include: Beijing (The Great Wall), Hong Kong, Singapore, Bali, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, New Dehli (& the Taj Mahal!), Nepal (Mt. Everest!), Chennai, and Sri Lanka! We'll be going with another couple, our good friends Brian and Callie Hill from Provo--we're going to have the time of our lives!!
Your trip to southeast Asia sounds awesome! How exciting! Your blog is really cute. Yeah, we would love to do dinner/games with you guys. We were actually going to invite you guys to do something like that soon. We should get together next weekend or the week after. (Doug might be out of town next weekend).
wow. can i just say i'm jealous?! that will be so much fun and something you'll never forget. what a great experience!
Hey Ben and Camille,
The future sounds so exciting for you both. Congratulations on graduating, Camille, I know you will be a wonderful teacher.
The Asian trip will be a real AWESOME experience for you both. Dick and I went to India, he hated it but I loved it the moment we arrived. You have to know you will see some truely awful sights but you must rise above them and see the colors, smells, sounds of this fabulous country. the beauty of the people, the elephants, etc all over the roads, the strange electrical system of Old Dehli, etc. Can't wait to hear all about the whole trip. Ben, we are proud of your landing the job in SF. Keep us posted.
Your East Coast Mom and Dad
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