...cause here are some videos!! After 9 months of being on the waiting list, we finally got the call to be the volunteer lion caretakers we've been dying to be. We LOVE IT. We go 1-2 times a week if we can and get to play with are little friends! We also cut the grass, clean the cages, feed them meat, bottle feed the wee ones, and take visitors in to see them.

Look at his cute little muddy face!

Their food (sprinkled with a calcium supplement):

This first video is so funny because there are lots of turtles in one of the cages. They like to form "trains" and travel together in lines. This 4 month old lion named Sheba, didn't like it though and tried to stop them by stepping on their shells:
This one is 2 months old. They're my babies. Look at their full little bellies!
Ben dared me to touch the head of this bird. It's a Marabou Stork and they are FREAKY. We absolutely hate them and think they're the scariest creature at the park. We'd gladly go in with the full-grown tigers rather than be near these freaks.

Our first day as volunteers, it was a crazy crowded day and we were left in charge of letting people in to play with the 7 month old lions (which they usually don't let you see because they're too big and dangerous but they had too many people this day). Long story short, we were totally overtaken and scared to DEATH. While Ben was being ambushed from behind (hence the hole), I was being attacked from the front and one of the guys we had in there suddenly yelled "I need some help!!" And I turned to look as one of the lions was biting and clawing through a guy's skin on his arms. I had to hit that lion as hard as I could because he would NOT let go for anything. Everyone was watching from outside the fence and videoing it, so I'm sure you can find it on YouTube by now:)

Last time, we were in charge of "bush cutting" the grass and I had to move all the rocks away from the fence. Ben was told he needed to walk backwards as he did it and luckily, I looked over just in time to see him stumble and fall as his whole leg disappeared in their watering hole (the small square under his foot). It was so funny.

I'm bringing some home with me in my stuff, so don't worry. You'll all be able to meet them.

Aren't they just sooo cute!?
Ha I love the videos! How fun!
are you kidding me! i was enthralled with every single one of those videos! and im so impressed with how brave you are camille. i was scared just looking at that stork... let alone getting a few inches from it. holy cow. i love your life.
The experiences you guys are having are amazing! How fun!
How much fun! I'm so glad you guys are doing all of these awesome things. What a life you are living right now. I'm living vicariously through you both. Keep all the darling pictures coming!
Wow that sounds really fun! I am glad you guys got through the wait list before while you are still in South Africa. The experience with the 7 month old lions sounds scary. I am glad no one got hurt!
i love it!! that little 2 month old is so sweet! how fun, minus the whole being attacked by the 7 month olds...
Jealousy! I want one.
What an amazing post! Awesome photo's and videos! My son keeps asking me to replay the ones with the lions. He watches them over and over! Looks like you guys are having so much fun....Will you bring a lion home for everyone? Thanks! :)
Wow crazy and fun experience! You look too cute in those pictures! Glad you guys are enjoying your last month or so in SA!
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