Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's gettin' ugly

Down to the last stretch! And stretch it is. I feel like I'm going to pop. Not the best feeling. I think I was doing fantastic physically, emotionally, and mentally up until this last week. Now I feel like I'm already way overdue and every day that passes I just get more and more anxious.

Here are the latest pics:
{Click the pictures to enlarge}
Sorry for the gross fat belly pic, but that's just how it is now-a-days, always hangin' out:)

Anyway! Lots of babies this month that's for sure! My cute cousin-in-law Tiffany had her baby Reese Sunday night and I was lucky enough to be able to witness and photograph the birth. It was the first live birth experience for me and it was quite amazing. It didn't freak me out or anything like I've been asked many times, it was just an amazing, spiritual, awesome experience.

Here are just a few of the pics I got:

We love baby Reese and have seen her lots this week. She's such an angel and seeing her just makes us so impatient!! AH!! Soon enough I'm sure. I've had some stronger contractions today including one that I thought would kill me... but one is not enough! We need more!! :) Haha. Okay, I need to stop venting and get back to my walking. Hopefully the next post will be one about THE BIRTH OF OUR BABY GIRL!! YAY!!! Let's celebrate!!


Lindsey said...

My mother-in-law told me that once you feel like you cannot possibly go ONE MORE DAY then you still have one week left. I think it's really true. I remember thinking that I REALLY could not go a single day more and I still had 7 to go!?!?! I don't envy you at all! Good luck with this last little stretch. Can't wait to see the little missy!

Lindsey said...

COngrats and good luck! I'm excited for your next blog post (fingers crossed!) Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

You still look tiny to me. I was complaining to Ty that I still have 3 months to go and I swear I'm as big as you. :) He rolled his eyes at me. Hehe. Good luck with everything. Can't wait to see her. Do you guys have a name picked out??

Ryan and Loni said...

Wow I love these pictures. What an amazing thing to remember through photographs. So fun! I am sooo excited for you... Can't wait to hear your baby story soon. Good luck with everything.

Chelsie said...

child birth truly is such a spiritual fun to get to witness your cousins right before you get to go through it yourself. good luck! i hope she makes her debut soon...i can't wait to see the little lady

Sara said...

So exciting!! Can't wait to see her! And good luck to you. Delivery marks 2 of my favorite days of my entire life. Such a neat experience!

paige and jord said...

you look SOO great camille! cant wait to see this precious little girl of yours. good luck!! xoxo

Nades said...

Thinking of you at this exciting time!!!!!! ;) cant believe ur little girl is nearly here! miss and love u loads! X