Finally, here are some pictures from Ben's business trip to Uganda a couple weeks ago. He had a great time and liked Uganda a lot, except for the INTENSE heat being right on the equator. Here are some highlights:
Awesome photo babe! I taught him well :)

He went out to an island and was able to see these guys. The videos he has are hilarious. They're like little 5 year olds!

The Equator. Awesome. Videos show the way the water flows differently on the North and South side of the Equator. Only a few feet apart!

Celebrating in Monte Casino (mini-Vegas here in Joburg) the night he came home for good:

We had a visitor this weekend. He's a friend of Jon (Ben's brother) back in Salt Lake. He went to Cape Town for a few days first and then came to stay with us and do the safari and baby lion experiences. Way cool kid, we enjoyed having you!!
Ya sick of baby lion pictures yet?? Neither am I. So here's more:

BAM, right on the bicep. It was actually a really bad bite and he was quite sore the rest of the day. Punctured, swelled up, and bled. Good bite little guy!

Sweet little 6 week old tiger. SOOOO CUTE!!

That's all for now folks. Nothing new really. Just busy busy! Ben's working late this week, we're training hard for the tri, I had a wedding last weekend and another one at a Game Reserve this weekend--super excited...and that's it!
Thank you! Goodbye, now. Goodbye. Goodbye, thank you. Goodbye!
man, I couldn't live anywhere super humid!
When are you going to next be in Utah?
i can't believe you're in africa. sooo crazy. well i just wrote on your facebook wall:)
Camille: so fun; i can't wait to show david your pics. I love your updates and your emails always. much much better today; i will write you tonight after I run. Um, I really want your hair. its so so so cute.
love YOUR guts.
I love the water videos! How cool! And I love your bangs, by the way!
you can exit here, here, here, here, here, here... anywhere! good luck on your tri!
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