So we made it! After 3 days of pure traveling, we made it to America! Oh how we love America. It was such a good feeling to get off that plane and feel so welcome and comfortable and grateful for this land. We take so much for granted, it's amazing.
This is us at the Beijing airport:

We're in San Fran now staying with our good friends Doug and Mariah Brewster for a couple of days (they're out here for the summer for Doug's IB internship). They said we smelled like "foreigners" when they picked us up. And all of our clothes are brown and stink like India:) It's weird to be back, I feel like we should be driving on the left side of the road, and that every where we go, people are staring...but they're not anymore! It was nice to be able to actually do my hair...and Ben needs to shave his handle-bars. We've loved just hanging out doing nothing all day. Watching movies, sleeping, playing Settlers of Cataan, and eating them out of cereal...
Here we are our first night scarfing down a FOOT long each from Subway:

And here we are 10 minutes Taco Bell:

On Thursday we're going over to the Dublin/Pleasanton area to hopefully sign on at the apartments we want to live in. They're called Parkwood Apartments and we're praying they have an opening for us in August!
We fly home Thursday night and we're so excited to see our families. It's been so long! Our first day home is the 4th of July! What a great day to celebrate not only being home, but our great and free land! We are so blessed to have been able to have this experience of travelling Southeast Asia. It was such an eye-opener, we had so many great memories, saw such amazing things, met incredible people, learned so many new cultures, and just had the time of our lives.
P.S. My phone got stolen on the way home in Bangkok, so I need numbers!
Glad to have you back. :)
bummer! I wish we knew you guys were here in SF we would have totally driven up to meet u guys! Oh well. We move tomorrow tonight to So Cal. Glad you guys had a good trip and are back safely!
Man you guys are pigs! Okay, we did the same thing when we got home. In fact, we couldn't even wait that long. We were pounding Subway in the airport and McDonald's on the car ride home. It's good to be home!
Ben, with that mustache you look like you fit in all too well at taco bell. :)
hey guys! sounds like your trip was crazy fun! i love those pics- so interesting. what an awesome experience. and holy cow- that's totally a ton of food you chowed on when you got home. fun times! keep in touch guys!
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