Here's to you baby. For making these last 2 years the best years of my life. Can't wait for the rest!
For Ben's anniversary gift I made our blog into a book! It was super fun and easy and turned out amazing. I used Blurb.com and I just did the year 2008 which was about 115 pages in a hardbound book. I love it and I'm going to continue to do one for each year. Ben's big gift to me was a 90 minute spa treatment giftcard! It's like a mud bath, water massage...and some more things. I can't wait.

Today was also extra special because my cute friend Princess got baptized! It was so fun to be a little missionary and be involved just a little bit in helping her change her life. I gave a talk on the Atonement and played the piano. My friends and I took her shopping with us Friday and had a blast with her. She is such an amazing girl.

It's been an emotional day though because of the baptism, but also because everyone is leaving me tonight. I take the girls to the airport in an hour and I take Ben to the airport a little later tonight. Then I'll be all alone for a month :( Everyone write me lots so I won't die!!!

It's been an emotional day though because of the baptism, but also because everyone is leaving me tonight. I take the girls to the airport in an hour and I take Ben to the airport a little later tonight. Then I'll be all alone for a month :( Everyone write me lots so I won't die!!!
Wow two years flies by!! Hope you guys have a great celebration! Eli starts classes on Monday and I still have no job, so I will be around to talk too! Drop me an email, or we could even skype sometime! Loves you both!
Happy Anniversary! You guys are so dang cute together and you have had LOTS of adventures for your first 2 years :)
ps. Love the book, I seriously need to make one.
camille!!! I"m about to write you a super long email. i love you; don't die!
p.s. happy anniversary
I'm so glad Ben found you...you two are just PERFECT for each other. That blog book is such a great idea. I'm going to have to look into that.
Happy anniversary!! Way to be an awesome missionary, Camille. Don't worry, the next month will fly by... just like the last 2 yrs. :)
Happy Anniversary! I love that you made that book! What a cute gift! I hope everything goes okay with you taking everyone to the airport! I hope the month goes by quick! Good luck!
That book is so cute! I was wanting to do that with ours too but I wasn't sure how. I totally doing it now! Happy Anniversary! I miss ya lots. Did you know I still haven't figured out how to post those headers you made for me?!!!! Yes, embarrassing.
Happy Anniversary! I can't believe that it's been two months for us either. That blog book is such a cute idea! I'll have to do that to our blog (if I ever start updating it regularly)... I hope that this next month passes quickly!!
1 MONTH!? You poor thing. If possible, get skype and have lots of video chat dates! I LOVE SKYPE! Anyhoo, love the book, I've always wanted to do put one of those together, it looks like it turned out great.
GOOD LUCK & don't die!
ah 1 month! I'm so sorry!!! do you have anything going to keep you busy or any other visitors coming? happy anniversary! that book looks so cute. i wanted to ask you did you just use their template or did you do the pictures the way you wanted them? I started to do it where you pick the template, then drag and drop the pictures where you want them...then I got lazy and quit...
You just motivated me to finally finish my blog book that I started almost a year ago! It looks great! And happy anniversary!
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