Finally, right? I've been nagged by a few people to get a new post up, wanting apartment pictures and the weekly updates. In my defense, I didn't want
all my posts to only be a weekly picture of me and my slowly growing stomach...sounds pretty boring (especially having just come from Africa) so I wanted to clump them together along with pics of our apartment.
(Click the picture to enlarge)
I know my stomach looks smaller in 19 than it does in 18.... but I swear it really is getting bigger.
(Click the picture to enlarge)So here are a couple pictures of our apartment--which we love. The bedroom and 2nd bedroom aren't too interesting right now so those won't be up. We really love it here!!

Yes, FRIENDS is on, just like when we were moving a year ago:
here. It really helps me get through these tough times (moving, packing, unpacking, decorating, etc).

Update on work: Ben is enjoying being back in the San Fran office and has just been put on a cool Brazil case. He's moved up to a big new role and is going to rock it! He also might get to go to Brazil for 2-3 weeks in April, so of course, he's excited. He also gets to work from home a bit more which is super nice. I am working at Lafayette Academy again, a great paying tutoring job 3:30-9:30pm, which is good since Ben works late anyway. I finally got in to an OB and have my first appointment in a couple weeks (can't wait--since I've had
no prenatal care so far). Other than that, we're enjoying being back in our old ward with our good friends, working, and watching our little one grow! We can't wait for the next few months!
Camille- You are so cute. Also- your apartment looks incredibly well decorated. I need you to come decorate mine! Enjoy the bay area. All of my family lives in Livermore! In fact, my uncle is the bishop of the singles ward out there.
Oh also-I just sent your photography website to my family because their connected to just about every wedding in the Livermore stake.
Aw cute belly!!! That's so exciting! Feeling the baby kick is the best!!! It's sooo you to say I love Pizza instead of Daddy haha. I miss you lots!!!
You really are so cute! Love it! Looks like you are having fuN!
Such a cute idea, I love these posts!
We are glad you guys are back in the States, especially with a little girl on the way! Your apartment looks great too. We love watching Friends too - it is really a great show.
i love the weekly updates! so based off of what you are eating/craving you are definitely having a girl! that was exactly my diet with allie...but not with this one.
great wonderful update. love it all. the apartment is so cute and clean and tidy; almost ready for a baby!
ha, i love the update picture of you with the pizza and ben with the apple. ha, classic. your apt is so cute, i love it!
Congrats on a little girl! That will so be fun for you guys! You look so cute too!!
I am SO loving your apartment! It is absolutely stunning! il definitely have to pop in by you for a little bit when i am over there! :) you are looking lovely! being pregnant suites u! X
you look so great! i can't believe it you are like 1 week or so behind me and i'm SO HUGE but you look great! i don't know what it is but pizza is all i want to eat too! mmmm so yummy. especially erik's homemade pizza, whole wheat fresh ingred. mmmmm your apt is adorable, how fun!
Love your apartment. You look so good!
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