We blessed our handsome little boy on Sunday.
(Here we were blessing Claire 2.5 years ago, where we got a whole lot more pictures than we did this time #secondchild)
Someone dropped these off the night before for us, and we have no idea who it was! Thank you SO MUCH whoever you are!!
Someone dropped these off the night before for us, and we have no idea who it was! Thank you SO MUCH whoever you are!!
With 12:30 church, nap time gets tricky, so on this important day, we put Claire down at 11:20, hoping she'd get a good 2 hours before sacrament meeting at 2:00. In the hustle of waking her up and getting her ready (through her first ever full-out tantrum), Ben showed up to church wearing his slippers!!

Luckily, my brother James came to the rescue and ran home to get his regular shoes:)
Alex was so good and Ben did a great job -- blessing him to be a man of faith and courage and to stand up for all that is right!
The Priesthood holders that were in the circle (minus my Uncle Jed)
Great-Grandma Gooney:
Great-Grandma and Grandpa Johansen:
He is almost 3 months old and couldn't be cuter!
He started sleeping 6 hours at 6 weeks old and at about 10 weeks old, started sleeping 8 hours! I love it. I started running again (dang half marathon in May) and feel so alive with all the sleep I'm spoiled with. He still eats every 2 hours during the day, but is a happy, alert and content baby so I can't complain! We love our Alex!
Looks like the perfect day. He is such a handsome boy!
What a good baby! So glad things are going well!
Looks like it was the perfect blessing day! Congrats :) x
what a darling family!!
He is just beautiful! Looks like a wonderful day with so much family. Loved the story of Ben & his slippers! :)
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