The Scoop:
- Ben got on a new case that involves over 13 countries in Africa. Sa-weet. The good news is that he'll be making the world a better place and "saving Africa" with his work. And he'll also be able to spend 3-4 weeks in his favorite country, Mozambique....the bad news is that there will be a lot of travel. Multiple weeks at a time. Maybe even up to 6 weeks in September. No bueno. We're trying to figure out what to do with little miss me...since I can't come along and don't want to stay here by myself...I could develop some of my skills, like I would love to become a professional whistler. I'm pretty amazing at it right now, but I want to get even better.
- Speaking of Mozambique. I'm sure you've all heard the news: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=14
8&sid=6660347 . Can't believe we were just there a few weeks ago. Staying in that exact house with the Packards. We have received a couple emails from President Packard with updates and reports of the incident. The news has it mostly correct. President Packard did say, "Elder & Sister Nelson were not specifically targeted or that this was any act against the Church. This was most likely an isolated armed robbery and we happened to be their target this particular night." Also that the guards were not involved. During the meeting with the missionaries, Elder Nelson said that 'this type of thing happens all over the world. It is not unique to Africa as some might assume.' Our thoughts and prayers go out to them, their family, and the mission of Mozambique.
- I'm coming home to Utah at the end of June! I can't wait. And it falls perfectly when Ben leaves for 3 weeks to work in Mozambique. Let me know if you want any pictures done while I'm there!
- So Mensa. Since we're all into it. And Ben and I are math nerds. Take the official Mensa Quiz. I got 17/30 and Ben got 23/30. See what you get!
- OK. That's all. Can't think of anything else. Peace out.
- your hair looks adorable, and it's even more impressive that you cut the bangs yourself!
-Yeah for being back in Utah! Please come see us! I think you should just come back every time Ben has to travel.
-that sucks Ben will have to be gone so much. That would drive me insane. Good luck with the whistling skills!
Your hair looks awesome! I was going to tell you awhile ago that I liked your haircut so good job for doing it yourself! Hope you have a great trip home.
I love the hair! You look so cute! That is a bummer that Ben will have to be gone so much. But, I am sure it will pay off in the end!
Way to go on the hair! Love it. I just want to prove that I'm a real lion. As oppoooosed to a chocolate lion? Oh thank you for the sacrifice. Here have another sacrifice. No I've had enough for the day. You're so skinny!!! And you are. Gorgeous picture of yourself. Preston's favorite movie is "Move it move it" so sometime we'll have a quote movie party.
Being brunette is the best and you pull it off great. I sure bet Ben enjoys having a "new" wife around the house :D
love the hair! bangs and dark...looks so good! fun that you will get to come home and visit. how long are you back for?
camille i LOVE the new look- i am now getting antsy about changing my hair too.... and are you liking new moon? that one was definitely the most depressing. i was reading it at work a few summers ago, and i was crying so hard that i had to remove myself and go cry in the back so the customers wouldnt worry. sad, right?!? :) oh gosh. im obsessed. i hope you like them!
1. I suggest you stop with Twilight. Meyer's a one-hit wonder in my book.
2. Bangs=cute
3. No friggin' way am I taking the Mensa quiz.
4. Thanks for the blog to spy on you guys with!
CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!! I love it! Love the cute little shirt you have too! :) And HECK YES I want pics! I will get with my bro-in-law and make sure are plans are right! Thanks!
LOVE the hair. Love it.
Love the bangs and I love it dark! Of course I'm partial, because I have bangs and dark hair! Ha, ha :)
No really though, I LOVE it, you look wonderful!
I LOVE your hair!! It looks sooo good! Also, the combination of your dark hair and bangs makes your eyes really stand out. I love it! When exactly are you coming to Utah? I kind of want to get pictures done before Doug starts work, but I'm not positive yet... I just barely gave in and decided to read Twilight. I haven't started it yet, but I will soon. That's exciting about Ben's new case, but really sad for you! It's too bad that you don't have a phone down there b/c I'll be alone most of the time in September too and we could talk on the phone a lot. We miss you guys!
holy hot woman; wow!!! you looks super cute--love the color and the bangs. definitely think you should go with the professional whistler idea.
So I think your hair is so cute! I just spent about a half hour on your web site! I love all your pictures Steve thinks the world ones are awesome! How much do you charge for family portraits? I have some friends who get their pictures taken often and some are looking for someone new! Let me know! Also I love the video of the bungee jumping they are funny!
Guess what??? I took that filthy Mensa and I liked it!! 26/30
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