Funny story: We asked this random lady if we could use her yard for a second for these pictures by her clothes line, she said of course but had to put her 2 HUGE (never seen bigger) dogs away before we could go back there. As we were about to leave, I guess her son came home and wondered why the dogs were tied up and so he let them go. All of a sudden, the 2 giant LION-sized dogs came belting around the corner straight at us. The lady screamed, "OH NO!!" and Kelley and I ran for the fence. Luckily, the lady caught her brown dog (coming for us) in time but the white one went for Ben. All I remember is looking over at Ben and seeing him FLYING through the air over a fence and landing on his back. He got up and we laughed all the way to the car, wondering why the heck Ben got so scared and jumped over the fence like that. Little did we know that the huge white dog had gotten a big bite of his butt!! Which caused him to fling himself over the fence without thought to how he'd land. He had a hole in his shirt and pants and a big bruise later that day (luckily didn't pierce the skin). It was so funny. But the picture is worth it:)

33 weeks pregnant {7 months}

Look at the cute baby chick!

Cute huh? We get to meet our little lady in 4 weeks!! We love her so much and can't wait.

Happy Father's Day yesterday! I love my dad, he's amazing. I love you Tom for raising Ben to be who he is. Love you Kraig for all you've done for the family. Love all my grandpas! And I love Ben with all my heart and am so excited for him to be a daddy!
Love the pictures! You look great pregnant. 4 more weeks... yipee!!
Ya! I am so so glad you like them :) You really are gorgeous pregnant! Can't wait to see your little girl.
ps. Love that you told the dog story....so HILARIOUS!
look how gorgeous you are at 36 weeks! No wonder you love being pregnant, you make it look so easy! those pictures are great. 4 more weeks, yay!
Great pics! You're super cute prego. I'm so excited for you guys. It's the best....I'm sitting here snuggling our little guy and anything you go through to get them here is SO worth it!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the dandelion picture! All three of you look beautiful! So excited to see pictures of the little lady! Hope you're feeling great.
Those are so great!! You look truly beautiful!
im going to miss these weekly preggie posts when little G arrives! You are looking amazing, and like i already said in the email i L.O.V.E the maternity pics! X
Love the pictures. Love the dog story. I laughed out loud just picturing the whole thing happening.
how stinking adorable are you?!!! love the pictures!
how stinking adorable are you?!!! love the pictures!
i love the pics! kellee is so talented...and talk about great models...you guys are both so photogenic. i love the dog story..haha. i got my sling online from hotslings.com just in their sale section...and i love it!
yay! i have internet again! all is right in the world. :)
cute cute pictures! and hilarious story about the dogs! glad you were ok and got such darling pictures AND a story to tell. :)
Those are great pictures!! and a great story, I can picture Ben flying over the fence, haha!! Your little girl is coming so soon, can't wait to see pics of her!!
That first pic with the clothes line is perfect!! LOVE IT! I am so excited for you, you're getting so close to meeting her. You are going to love being a mommy. I don't know if you've heard of this book "Babywise" but i HIGHLY recommend reading it before baby comes. I am doing it for the most part with Max and he sleeps like a champ. Just a little new mom advise I thought I might pass on :D
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